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Toronto Chiropractic, Osteoporosis, and Calcium

A tremendous combo! Toronto chiropractic + Osteoporosis + Calcium.

Let’s kick it off with osteoporosis. What a disease! It causes dis-ease for its sufferers. It exposes the sufferers to fractures. It causes brittle bones. It affects so many women (and men!) here in Toronto and everywhere. On the down side, by the time osteoporosis symptoms appear, it’s later in the disease process. You needed to take your calcium and vitamin D when you were younger. But take heart! Toronto chiropractic care can help manage its symptoms with a mix of nutrition, exercise and treatment. Yorkville Chiropractic and Wellness Centre is ready to be your osteoporosis manager!

To begin with, Yorkville Chiropractic and Wellness Centre has the gentlest chiropractic treatment to attentively treat the spine and keep it mobile, flexible and as pain-free as possible. Our Cox Technic spinal manipulation relaxes and relieves!  But that's not the end of it. Making sure that you take care of yourself is vital. We’ll talk with you about protective actions you can take to shield your bones from damage like exercise to keep you well balanced (to avoid any falls and!) and strong and nutrition to keep your bones strong.

The latest in nutrition for osteoporosis is an article on calcium. A study of over 9000 people over the age of 20 years reports on osteoporosis incidence. The researchers found that the risk for osteoporosis dropped significantly as the calcium intake increased, the calcium/phosphorous ratio increased, and the vitamin D level increased. (1) So what is the main thing? Up your calcium, milk and dairy intake – Supplements are great, too. – and vitamin D. A supplement with both may help the cause greatly!

So contact Yorkville Chiropractic and Wellness Centre and bring your osteoporosis to the clinic. A treatment and management plan just for you will help you rest easy and keep your dis-ease at bay.

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